Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Friday, 2 November 2018
Room 12 Assembly- FIRE & ACE
Today was room 12's assembly and we had done something about how we as individuals, will show F.I.R.E & A.C.E. Here is a video of our art work.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Back to school
Yesterday was the first day of school and it was so tiring. I was happy to be at school with my friends and I can't wait to see my teacher at school next Tuesday. Happy first week back at school.
Term 4
Sunday, 30 September 2018
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
Hope you are enjoying your holiday, I know I am. Have fun and I apoligize about not posting frequently. Keep checking my blog for more content.
Hope you are enjoying your holiday, I know I am. Have fun and I apoligize about not posting frequently. Keep checking my blog for more content.
Monday, 17 September 2018
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Writing Homework Monday
Queen Bee
It all began last week, it was a snowy winter night when I heard strange noises coming out of the closet and being the curious person that I was, I went to check it out. I slowly got out of bed and stumbled towards the closet door. As I got closer I could hear faint humming noises. I slowly opened the closet door and walked in. I felt my way through the clothes, then I felt a circular object, which then I made out it was a door knob. I carefully twisted the handle and pushed open the door. I was blinded by a yellow light and the warmth of something. I slowly walked through the door and heard “ Hello there, you must be lost, let me help you, follow me.” I wanted to turn back but I couldn’t see. I followed the voice which lead me to a dark cold place, I could see. It was a massive bee. I screamed. It was huge like the size of a 2 year old. It said “Calm down I ain’t gonna hurt you”. “H-How A-Are Y-” I’m massive because the evil queen had cursed me and brainwashed the rest of my kind to think that she was their queen.” ~Thinking: How did he know what I was saying when I didn’t finish my sentence?.~ “ I know what you were going to saying because I can read minds”. My jaw dropped this sure was a strange place. He then showed me a picture of a lady with the bees. I asked “who is that”. The bee “She is the real queen bee”. I then said “She reminds me of my mother”. “Well that's because it’s your great grandmother”. I was shocked. “I-I” I stuttered. “I know it is a lot to take in, but that is your crown” and then said “You can be a queen, you can be our queen Bee. I then replied “I need to go home and think about it”. The bee then guided me back out to the sunny place and lead me back to the door. The bee said”don’t take to long, we need you to save our kind”. I didn’t reply. I walked through the door turned and waved at the bee. I quietly shut the door, pushed my way through the door and stumbled back into bed. I couldn’t sleep with all these questions in my mind.Why did nobody tell me about this? Who am I really? Is this a dream? Am I ready to leave my family? My friends? The world? Am I worthy of being queen? I will never know until I go back there, but do I want to go back there?
Friday, 31 August 2018
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
E-ako Maths
So last week our class created an eako login. Eako is a fun maths game where you have assigned tasks that you complete.
Here are a few photos
Here are a few photos
Monday, 27 August 2018
Quick Write
What super power would you have and why? Well today we had this question for quick write where we have to write something about the given topic. Here was what I wrote.
I would like to have have telekinesis because of a girl named Eleven from stranger things on netflix. Except my nose doesn't bleed whenever I use my powers. I would also like to have telekinesis because it would be funny to move things around the class and pretending its a ghost.
Quick Write,
Term 3
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
House On Mars
Yesterday for quik write we had to design a house that would be able to last in mars. So this is how I created my house.
Quick Write,
Term 3
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Thursday, 9 August 2018
My New Basic Facts Certificate
For Maths we were given independent tasks this was the task I chose and I got a certificate and was able to get 100% in my 1,2,5 10's timestables.
Basic Facts,
Term 3,
Times Tables
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Monday, 6 August 2018
Friday, 3 August 2018
Machu Picchu
Today our class was split. I was in room 11 and we were allocated a
famous monumet. As you can tell my monument is Machu Picchu.
I thought it was simmiler to Pikachu so I put pikachu on.
Machu Picchu,
Room 11,
Term 3
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Today for PB4L (Positive Behavier For Learning) our class had to write a letter to our future selves in 5 years time. To be honest I might not even remember about this in 5 years time. We had to write something about how we should "Never Give Up".
Here is what I wrote:
Dear Future Me,
It kind of feels weird writing to myself but since I already started I might as well carry
on. I know you might not read this but if you do the message behind this is to
“Never Give Up”.
I guess I’ll start now.
on. I know you might not read this but if you do the message behind this is to
“Never Give Up”.
I guess I’ll start now.
Hey, how’s College? How are you doing? Have you learned your times tables?
Are you doing well in school? I have so many questions to ask you. Hope your doing well
and enjoying school because right now I love school. If your ever feeling down just
know whenyou go through all the tough times there are good times. Oh and if you're
reading this have you remembered to go back to Glen Taylor and visit Miss Siale? I
know you're probably reading this because right now life is tough, well just remember
that you should enjoy all these times because you will never get them back. Never give
up in anything no matter what. I hope you are succeeding in your dreams and not
someone else's. Well that’s all I have to say now. Bye.
Are you doing well in school? I have so many questions to ask you. Hope your doing well
and enjoying school because right now I love school. If your ever feeling down just
know whenyou go through all the tough times there are good times. Oh and if you're
reading this have you remembered to go back to Glen Taylor and visit Miss Siale? I
know you're probably reading this because right now life is tough, well just remember
that you should enjoy all these times because you will never get them back. Never give
up in anything no matter what. I hope you are succeeding in your dreams and not
someone else's. Well that’s all I have to say now. Bye.
Sincerely Your Past Self
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Matariki Lantern
Last term for Matariki we created lanterns. We decorated them and hung them up.Here are some pictures.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
The Doll
For writing last term we each chose a story starter and the story starter I chose was "Why is it moving, It shouldn't be moving, well at least not by itself."
I created a picture for it. Here is what it looks like.
Friday, 6 July 2018
My 100th Blog Post
I have finally reached my 100th blog post and it is about the last day of school.Today was the last day of school. I was sad and happy at the same time. We did art and zumba. For art we did matariki. For zumba we did a mix of song to dance to.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Kiwi Can Day
Today we had won kiwi can along with another class. We got to play games and were split into groups and made our own chant. My favourite part of this day was the massive feed. I was so full I got a stitch when walking home. I was so tired I went home and went straight to sleep.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Where I Am On Prodigy
Prodigy is a game when you solve maths problems and defeat creatures or other players. I enjoy playing prodigy because I like maths. The Level I am on is level 63.
Prodigy is fun and I think you should check it out.
Prodigy is fun and I think you should check it out.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Samoan Language Week
Talofa Lava This week we are celebrating the Samoan culture.
Here are some facts about the beautiful island of Samoa.
Samoa is located in the pacific ocean.
The capital is Apia.
There is about 188,000 of people that live in Samoa
Here is the flag:
Tofa Soifua
Thursday, 31 May 2018
What Happend Yesterday
This week is Samoan language week and yesterday we had a teacher come an tell our class about the beutiful island of Samoa.We also had softball and learn't how to pitch and catch a ball.I had lot's of fun yesterday when we went to tech because we played games in graphics and we were creating stuff.
Also today we played boggle and I got 36 words altogether and 4 over 5 letters
Monday, 28 May 2018
Last Friday
Last Friday We Had A Play Base Learning Day Thing.
Here Are Some Photos Of Us Having Fun.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Thea Sisters Violet
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Monday, 7 May 2018
Lets Play Football
For reading we were given this picture and a couple of questions to answer but my question for you is what comes to mind when you look at this picture.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Monday, 30 April 2018
Monday, 23 April 2018
Saturday, 21 April 2018
Friday, 20 April 2018
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Monday, 16 April 2018
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Friday, 13 April 2018
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays Everyone I Hope You Have A Relaxing And Safe Holiday.
Last Day Of School
Today is the last day of school for term 1 and I am very happy to be
Yay !!
#ROOM 12
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Schools Out 4 2 Weeks
Today is the second to last day of term 1 for 2018.
I will miss school but I get to sleep in for 2 weeks which is awesome.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Monday, 9 April 2018
Fun Day Last Day
This Friday the Heads of the school have planned a fun day with lots of fun activities but that depends on the weather.
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Typing Test
For a typing exercise we use Typing Test
Here was my score at the beginning of the term.
And here is how much I've improved.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Monday, 26 March 2018
Writing Homework Week 8
For homework we had to write a paragraph to finish off the sentence Here is my paragraph.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
A Birthday Card For Auggie
For Reading we had to chose one of the reading task cards.I chose to do the Birthday Card for the main person and the main person in my story is Auggie.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
No Words Just Notes 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
For writing we used an image for where we had to answer the
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If you were given these questions what would you write. Here's what I wrote |

Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Ethiopia Homework
For Homework we had to find a country starting with E.
So the country I chose was Ethiopia.
In the slide there is a drawing,fact and a famous person from etiopia
Monday, 5 March 2018
Friday, 2 March 2018
Cultural festival word problems
For Homework we had to come up with 5 word problems relating
to CULTURAL FESTIVAL.Take a look and leave a comment.
Cultural Festival,
Thursday, 1 March 2018
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